Foaling Monitor Sheet

Resource from the from the Foaling 101 webinar.

Tetanus (Clostridium tetani) Guidelines

Tetanus is a neurological disease caused by a potent neurotoxin produced by…

Trace Mineral Supplementation for Horses

This handout will help horse owners understand the importance of trace mineral supplementation and how to ensure their horses are getting the right amounts.

Cryptorchid – Definition

The AAEP has adopted the following definition of retained testicle or cryptorchid.  …

Position on Microchips for the Identification of Equids

The AAEP supports the implantation of radiofrequency identification devices (RFID) in equids…

Snake Bite Vaccination Guidelines

Snake Bite Vaccination Guidelines

Tetanus Vaccination Guidelines

Tetanus toxoid is a core equine vaccine and should be included in equine immunization programs for every horse annually.

Equine Viral Arteritis (EVA) Vaccination Guidelines

Equine Viral Arteritis (EVA) Vaccination Guidelines

Equine Influenza Vaccination Guidelines

Equine Influenza Vaccination Guidelines

West Nile Virus Vaccination Guidelines

West Nile Virus Vaccination Guidelines

Rabies Vaccination Guidelines

Rabies Vaccination Guidelines

Eastern & Western Equine Encephalomyelitis Vaccination Guidelines

Eastern & Western Equine Encephalomyelitis Vaccination Guidelines

Rotaviral Diarrhea Vaccination Guidelines

Rotaviral Diarrhea Vaccination Guidelines

Potomac Horse Fever Vaccination Guidelines

Potomac Horse Fever Vaccination Guidelines

Leptospirosis Vaccination Guidelines

Leptospirosis Vaccination Guidelines

Equine Herpesvirus (Rhinopneumonitis) Vaccination Guidelines

Equine Herpesvirus (Rhinopneumonitis) Vaccination Guidelines

Botulism Vaccination Guidelines

Botulism Vaccination Guidelines

Anthrax Vaccination Guidelines

Anthrax Vaccination Guidelines

Guidelines for Equine Veterinary Case Referral

Executive Summary The Veterinary Oath obligates practicing veterinarians to use their knowledge…

Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis (VEE) Guidelines

Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis (VEE) is caused by the arbovirus Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis…

Position on Genetic Defects

Introduction and Definitions Congenital Defects: Congenital defects include all undesirable traits and…

Position on Veterinary Management of Broodmares

It is the opinion of the AAEP that certain diagnostic and therapeutic…

General Biosecurity Guidelines

For the purposes of these guidelines, biosecurity includes all practices intended to…

Wage War on Equine Parasites

Internal parasites are silent killers. They can cause extensive internal damage, and…

Protect Your Horse from EIA

Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA) is a potentially fatal disease that threatens the…

Learn to Recognize Your Horse’s Dental Problems

It is important to catch dental problems early. If a horse starts…

10 Tips for Weight Reduction in the Overweight Horse

Sound nutrition management, a regular exercise program and veterinary care are key…

Be Prepared for an Equine Health Emergency

Preparation is vital when confronted with an equine medical emergency. No matter…

10 Tips for Caring for the Older Horse

You may think that turning your old-timer out to pasture is the…

10 Tips for Fighting Fungus-Infected Fescue

As many as 700,000 horses may graze fescue pastures or be fed…

Don’t Skip the Purchase Exam

Whether you want a horse as a family pet, a pleasure mount,…

Help Your Foal Grow with Proper Nutrition

Feeding young horses is a balancing act, as the nutritional start a…

10 Tips for Preventing Colic

The No. 1 killer of horses is colic. While horses seem predisposed…

10 Tips for Reducing Your Horse’s West Nile Risk

West Nile virus (WNV) poses a serious threat to horses and humans…

Help Your Mare Have a Safe Delivery

If your mare has made it through 11 months of pregnancy, you’re…

Learn to Recognize the Signs of Laminitis

Although laminitis occurs in the feet, the underlying cause is often a…

Learn to Recognize the Symptoms of EPM

The clinical signs of Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis can be quite varied. Clinical…

Reduce Your Horse’s Gastric Ulcer Risk

Ulcers are a man-made disease, affecting up to 90 percent of racehorses…

Understanding Your Horse Insurance Responsibilities

Whether a horse is purchased for personal or business reasons, ownership represents…

Unwanted Horse Veterinary Relief Campaign (UHVRC) Application

501(c)(3) equine rescue and rehabilitation facilities in the United States should work…

Client Education Presentation: Foal Growth

Owner education events can be a great venue to improve the daily…

Client Education Presentation: Equine Herpesvirus

Owner education events can be a great venue to improve the daily…

Client Education Presentation: Understanding Equine Strangles

Owner education events can be a great venue to improve the daily…

Client Education Presentation: The Older Horse

Owner education events can be a great venue to improve the daily…

Client Education Presentation: Hay Quality and Nutrition

Owner education events can be a great venue to improve the daily…

Adult Horse Vaccination Chart

CORE VACCINATIONS protect against diseases that are endemic to a region, are…

Foal Vaccination Chart

The two categories reflect differences in the foal’s susceptibility to disease and…

Client Education Presentation: Disaster Preparedness

Owner education events can be a great venue to improve the daily…

Client Education Presentation: Emergency Care

Owner education events can be a great venue to improve the daily…

Client Education Presentation: Dental Care

Owner education events can be a great venue to improve the daily…

Client Education Presentation: Colic

Owner education events can be a great venue to improve the daily…

Strangles Vaccination Guidelines

Streptococcus equi subspecies equi (S. equi) is the bacterium which causes the…

Client Education Presentation: Laminitis

Owner education events can be a great venue to improve the daily…

Client Education Presentation: Lameness Exams

Owner education events can be a great venue to improve the daily…

Client Education Presentation: Internal Parasites

Owner education events can be a great venue to improve the daily…

Client Education Presentation: Immunizations

Owner education events can be a great venue to improve the daily…

AAEP Position on Telehealth

Telehealth is an indispensable collaborative tool for equine veterinarians to enhance diagnostic…

Results from the 2018 AHP Equine Industry Survey

The downloadable report summarizes the results from the five main sections of the 2018 AHP Equine Industry Survey

AAEP/AVMA Economic Report

The American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) partnered with the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) early in 2016 to produce a survey that explored the economics of the equine segment of the veterinary profession.

EHV FAQ for Owners

Equine herpesvirus (EHV) is a common DNA virus that occurs in horse…

Client Education Presentation: Foaling Mare and Newborn

Owner education events can be a great venue to improve the daily…

Client Education Presentation: The Expectant Mare

Owner education events can be a great venue to improve the daily…

Client Education Presentation: Poisonous Plants

Owner education events can be a great venue to improve the daily…

Client Education Presentation: Overweight Horse

Owner education events can be a great venue to improve the daily…

Client Education Presentation: Neurology

Owner education events can be a great venue to improve the daily…

Horse Owner Vaccination Guidelines

An article by Dr. Rober Holland outlining horse owner vaccination guidelines

Breeding Terminology

Currently being revised. In providing written reports to interested parties, the AAEP…

Horse Owner’s Guide to Compounding

Your Horse’s Life is Not Worth the Risk What every horse owner…