The AAEP supports the implantation of radiofrequency identification devices (RFID) in equids and supports the standardization in procedures. Equine practitioners are encouraged to recommend the implantation of radiofrequency identification devices.

The objectives of an effective electronic identification of equids are to:

  1. Accurately and uniquely identify equid to aid in traceability
  2. Accurately and uniquely identify for regulatory purposes
    1. International and interstate movement
    2. Certificate of veterinary inspections
    3. Disease control and eradication efforts
  3. Accurately and uniquely identify for sale, competition, race and exhibition purposes.
  4. Provide a safe and efficient health monitoring system by use of temperature sensing microchips.

The AAEP supports ISO (International Organization for Standardization) compliant RFID technology that adheres to and is based on the ISO 11784/11785 standard. For safe and accurate implantation of the microchip, the AAEP supports the procedure performed by a veterinarian or by trained individual with veterinary oversight. Furthermore, AAEP supports the internationally recognized standard site of implantation of the mid-cervical left nuchal ligament of the equid for the ISO compliant microchip.

Approved by AAEP board of directors in 2024.


Resource Type

  • Position Statements


  • Equine Welfare

Publish Date

July 31, 2024