Committees & Councils
Committees are volunteer work groups within the AAEP which have an ongoing, annual function and a focused charge related to a specific area of veterinary medicine, the equine industry or association governance.
Rounds/General Discussion List
The AAEP Community is designed for interactive discussions with your peers about topics within equine medicine. Each group offers you a forum for exchanging ideas, seeking advice on cases and discussing current issues affecting the profession.

Advocacy & Scope of Practice
The AAEP supports the practice of equine veterinary medicine and will support state and provincial efforts to defend such practice by working with and providing resources to members and their recognized state and provincial veterinary medical associations (VMA).
Engage with Us
Get involved with your association! Use this form to let us know you would like to serve on an association committee, as a mentor to an equine veterinary student or assist with one of the AAEP's many owner education programs.
The AAEP's new mentoring program - Outrider - facilitates the creation of relationships between newer AAEP members and more experienced members.
Support AAEP

Sponsorship and Advertising
There are several opportunities to showcase your company by advertising in AAEP publications or sponsoring a meeting or session at the Annual Convention.

General Store
Purchase AAEP logowear, hats and other popular AAEP logo merchandise.

The Foundation for the Horse
Please join us as we strive to bring our vision of helping horses to everyone who has a role in their care.