Currently being revised.
In providing written reports to interested parties, the AAEP encourages all equine practitioners to use the following terms when conducting reproductive examinations:
Pregnant: Any filly or mare shall be characterized as “pregnant” if and only if a licensed veterinarian has made such a determination. Any such report should include the method of diagnosis (i.e., palpation per rectum, transrectal ultrasound, etc.) and the approximate length of gestation. A statement regarding whether or not the examining veterinarian has determined that the pregnancy appears normal for the gestational age should also be included. Knowledge of any adjunct method(s) used to aid in the maintenance of said pregnancy should be disclosed.
Aborted: Any filly or mare that is not pregnant at the time of examination by a licensed veterinarian should be reported as “aborted” rather than “not pregnant” if the person rendering the report is actually aware that (a) an aborted fetus was observed or (b) the mare had been previously declared “pregnant” based on an examination by a licensed veterinarian at 42 days or more post mating.
Not Pregnant: Any filly or mare that has been examined for pregnancy by a licensed veterinarian, and found not to be pregnant at the time of that examination shall be characterized as “not pregnant” unless there is evidence that the filly or mare has “aborted” as defined above. Any such report shall include the method of determination.
Suitable for Mating: Any filly or mare that is not pregnant shall be characterized as “suitable for mating” if examination by a licensed veterinarian does not reveal any obvious abnormalities that would impair the animal’s ability to have a reasonable chance of becoming pregnant and carrying a foal to term. The examination of the reproductive tract (ovaries, uterus, cervix, vagina, vestibule and perineum) should include palpation per rectum and where practical, transrectal ultrasonography as well as visual and manual examination of the vagina and cervix. While other tests and criteria can be used to further evaluate the animal’s potential fertility, employment of such techniques shall be at the discretion of the examiner or their client. A filly or mare may be characterized as “suitable for mating” based on only one examination even though additional examinations may enhance the likelihood of discovering reproductive abnormalities.
Mating: The physical act of a stallion mounting a filly or mare with intromission of the penis. Artificial insemination qualifies as mating for breeds that permit artificial insemination.
Mated: Any filly or mare that has undergone the physical act of mating but whose pregnancy status has not been determined.
Stillborn: Any foal, after at least 320 days of gestation, that is dead at the time of delivery.
Neonatal Death: Any foal that dies within 14 days of foaling from a medical condition determined to be existing at or dating from birth.
Foal Died: Any foal that stands and nurses unassisted and subsequently dies from a condition not determined to be existing at or dating from birth.
Revised by AAEP board of directors in 2010.
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