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Guidelines Library
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Who Decides
How to Practice Ethically and Keep Your Clients
Equine Sports Medicine Fraught with Ethical Dilemmas
Ethics, the VCPR and Doing What the Client Requests
Ethical Considerations for Racetrack Practitioners
Alleviating Ethical Pressures Faced by Young Practitioners
Veterinary Testimonials in Magazine Ads: A Potential Conflict of Interest
The Ethics and Legalities of Rebates to Farm Managers
What's Really in a Sales Radiographic Report?
The Ethics of Agent Compensation
Navigating Conflicts of Interest and Competing Interests
Conflicts of Interest in the Pre-Purchase Exam
Resolving Conflicts of Interest at Public Auctions
Two Sides of the Same Scoop: Ice Cream, a Draft Horse and Societal Expectations
Altering a Horse’s Tail - Why Not?
Ethics Case: Health Certificate
Antimicrobial Stewardship: An Ethical Imperative
What is your Ethical Responsibility When Responding to an Emergency?
Integrative Therapies You Need to Know
The Conundrum of Compounded Drugs
Telemedicine and the Equine Veterinarian
Using Compounded Products Within the Standard of Care
Role of Ethical Equine Veterinarians in Equine Insurance
Treatment Decisions: Just Because You Can Doesn’t Always Mean You Should
Disclosing Medical Errors in Practice
A Strong Practice Culture Demands an Ethical Foundation
Does our Compensation Model Align our Practice and Values?
Empowering Our New Colleagues: Ethical Considerations for the Modernization of Equine Internships
Ethical Equine Practice Begins with a Strong Foundation and Training
Internships, Mentorship and Ethics: What are We Doing?
Your Practice’s Bottom Line
Navigating Your Practice in Light of Animal Health Company Incentives and Rebates
Ethical and Professional Utilization of the Credentialed Veterinary Technician and Assistant
Normalizing Case-Related Ethical Challenges For Students
The role of the AAEP's Professional Conduct and Ethics Committee
Eating the Young is not Always a Long-Term Survival Strategy
Intentional Mentoring of Ethical Standards in Equine Practice
The Effect of Ethics on Your Daily Life in and Away from Practice
Leaving the Profession Better Than We Found It
The Ethics of Hard Work
Ethics: A Matter of Opinion
Mother was Always Right
Just Because We Can, Does it Mean We Should?
We've Always Done it this Way
Crossing the Line
Welcome to the Neighborhood...or Not
Ethical Practice Yields Professional and Personal Satisfaction
Resolving Professional Differences with Dignity
Remote Consulting Yields More Questions Than Answers
The Importance of Communication Among Colleagues in After-Hours and Referral Cases
Ethical Considerations of Referral Cases
Second Opinions Magnify the Importance of Communication
The Responsibility of the Referral Veterinarian
The Veterinarian's Role in Referral of Cases