Through on-site investigations and peer review of current ongoing research, the American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) believes the collection of urine from pregnant mares and care of their offspring as prescribed by the “Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Horses on PMU Ranches,” represents responsible management of horses to produce a component of a pharmaceutical product for the benefit of humankind. These practices should not result in abuse, neglect, or inhumane treatment of horses.
The Code of Practice is accessible here.
In June 2014, the Equine Ranching Advisory Board developed a white paper on “Care and Oversight of Horses Managed for the Collection of Pregnant Mares’ Urine (PMU).” The AAEP acknowledges the thorough nature of this document and believes it is a good resource for parties interested in the management of PMU horses. Unlike the other white papers available on the AAEP website, this document was not created specifically by the AAEP; it was prepared by the Equine Ranching Advisory Board, many of whom are AAEP members. It was reviewed for inclusion on the AAEP website by the AAEP Welfare and Public Policy Advisory Council. The AAEP does not endorse or support any specific product or company referenced therein. You can read the paper here.
Revised by AAEP board of directors in 2023.
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