
Podcast hosts Drs. Jessica Dunbar and Mike Pownall have a conversation about emergency coverage with four members of the Emergency Coverage subcommittee of AAEP’s Commission on Equine Veterinary Sustainability.

Joining the podcast hosts are Drs. Leann Kuebelbeck and Mike Erskine, subcommittee co-chairs, and members Jessica Martin and James Beckman. They share their work on the committee and the insights they’ve gained regarding handling emergencies in veterinary practice while still having a life outside the job.


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Guest Speaker

Drs. Leann Kuebelbeck, Mike Erskine, Jessica Martin and James Beckman


Drs. Jessica Dunbar and Mike Pownall

Episode Length


Publish Date

July 24, 2023


  • Emergency & Disaster Preparedness
  • Practice Culture
  • Practice Management
  • Sustainability
  • Veterinary Practice
  • Wellness

Podcast Sponsor

AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim.

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