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Journal article:
Auer JA, Martens RJ, Williams EH. Periosteal deformities in foals. Am J Vet Res 1982;181:459-466.

Murphy CJ, Lavoie JP, Groff J, et al. Bilateral eyelid swelling attributable to lymphosarcoma in a horse. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1989;194:939-942.

Some common journal abbreviations include: Acta Vet Scand, Am J Vet Res, Can J Vet Res, Can Vet J, Cornell Vet, Compend Contin Educ Pract, Equine Vet J, Equine Vet J Suppl, J Am Vet Med Assoc, J Vet Diagn Invest, J Vet Intern Med, Prev Vet Med, Vet Clin North Am Equine Pract, Vet Radiol, Vet Rec, Vet Surg.  Other journal names should be abbreviated in accordance with the National Library of Medicine and Index Medicus.

Turner AS, McIlwraith CW. Techniques in large animal surgery. Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger, 1982;186-191.

Banks P, Bartley W, Birt LM. The biochemistry of the tissues 2nd ed. London: John Wiley & Sons, 1968;24.

Devlin TM, ed. Textbook of biochemistry with clinical correlations. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1982;14-36.

Chapter in a book:
Axelrod B. Glycolysis. In: Greenberg DM, ed. Metabolic pathways, vol 1. 3rd ed. New York: Academic Press, 1967;112-145.

Kainer RA. Functional anatomy of equine locomotor organs. In: Stashak TS, ed. Adams’ lameness in horses 4th ed. Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger, 1987;12-18.

Divers TJ. Acute renal failure in horses and cattle, in Proceedings. 3rd Am Coll Vet Int Med Forum 1985;93-95.

Lamb CR, Koblik PD, O’Callaghan MW, et al. Comparison of bone scintigraphy and radiography as aids in the evaluation of equine lameness: Retrospective analysis of 275 cases, in Proceedings. Am Assoc Equine Pract 1989;35:359-368.

References to dissertations, theses, abstracts, personal communications and papers submitted but not yet accepted for publication should be footnoted:

Jones CD. The selective advantage of the ABO blood groups [thesis]. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University; 1990.

Bramlage LR. Lexington, KY. (personal communication) 1996.

Smith AB. Unpublished data. January 1990.

Products and equipment should be identified by chemical or generic names or descriptions. 

All products should be footnoted, along with the manufacturer’s full address. A trade name may be included in a lettered footnote along with the name and location (city, state, and zip code) of the manufacturer when the product or equipment was essential to the outcome of the experiment or treatment.

All horses were sedated with a combination of detomidine HCLa (10-20 mg/kg IV) and butorphanol tartrateb (0.01-0.02 mg/kg IV).

a. Dormosedan® Orion Corporation, Espoo, Finland.
b. Torbugesic®, Fort Dodge Animal Health, Fort Dodge, IA 50501.