Subcommittee Roster: Jaci Boggs, Kim Harmon, Co-Chairs. Katie Garrett, Officer Liaison. Members: Andy Cameron, Stacy Cordivano, Aimee Eggleston-Ahearn, Anna Hood, Jamie Pribyl, Emma Read, Chrissie Schneider, Nathan Voris, Harry Werner, Ashley Whitehead, Kelly Zeytoonian

Subcommittee Charge:

To define those aspects that make up the “culture” of a particular practice and developing solutions and best practices to improve the culture of equine practice. Such areas may range from creative work schedules, internal practice communications, improved onboarding for new associates to policies relative to family leave and appropriate boundary-setting, with the ultimate goal being to empower practice owners to prioritize the health and welfare of colleagues without compromising economics or client care.

Other potential deliverables & tasks:

Create or identify examples of flexible schedule successes and healthy boundary-setting.

Discuss and share ideas to make family leave a “doable” part of compensation packages.

Share how practices succeed with no Saturday appointments.

Build a communications template file to help practice owners communicate changes to staff/clients.

Templates and best practices for staff meetings and improved internal communications within the practice.

Sharing other examples of other methods that some practices have used to create a happy & healthy practice staff.

Some initial survey work may be needed to establish baseline data.