Subcommittee Roster:  Leann Kuebelbeck & Mike Erskine, Co-Chairs.  Rob Franklin, Officer Liaison.  Members:  Andrea Basque, James Beckman, Meggan Graves, Tyler Holtmeyer, Racquel Lindroth, Olivia Lorello, Jessica Martin, Leah Martin, Ginger Reagan, Tamara Swor, and Cara Wright, Karen Wolfsdorf

Subcommittee Charge:

To cultivate and identify creative solutions for handling emergency coverage work.  Create member educational opportunities highlighting various models used in all types of practices, including examples of client communications that can be utilized when creating co-ops or other networks for coverage.

Other deliverables and potential tasks:

Create and share more practice profiles about different successful emergency call models.

Build checklists, “how-to” documents and frequently asked questions about how to start new models or cooperatives.

Explore how corporate partners might help connect potential partners.

Promote more “community” around this topic.

Create a group of subject matter experts who are willing and available as a resource to other members seeking help in this area.

Gather stories of success in recruiting and retaining related to a change in model and highlight these for members.

Some initial survey work may be needed to establish baseline data