To review the finances for both the AAEP and The Foundation for the Horse and to make recommendations to the board on achieving board defined financial goals along with funding strategies to achieve them; to review and make recommendations to the board on financial policy and budgets taking into account investment performance, economic conditions and other factors that may impact short and long-term financial stability; to develop budgeting projections with staff, for both the AAEP and The Foundation, that integrates the strategic plan and other initiatives; to approve the budget within the finance committee for submission to the board; to make recommendations on board appropriations and capital expenditures; to conduct semi-annual review with investment advisor(s). Additionally, the committee will ensure an accounting firm is selected for an annual audit or review of both the AAEP and The Foundation for the Horse with results reviewed by the committee prior to presentation to the AAEP Board.
Mitchell Rode, Chair and Board Liaison
Staff Liaison: Lori Rawls
Amy Grice
Sarah Reuss
Rob Franklin
Leslie Easterwood
Mitchell Rode
Erin Contino
Ex-officio members
Drew Buechley
John Chalk, Jr.
Eric Krawitt