
To monitor and update disease information on a regular basis for the Equine Disease Communication Center and AAEP websites, as well as AAEP Control & Vaccination Guidelines; and, to make additions, updates and relevant changes as needed.  Additionally, the committee will also serve to evaluate infectious disease issues affecting the equine population and recommend courses of action to the AAEP leadership.

Sally DeNotta, Chair

(607) 422-4200

Board Liaison: Jackie Christakos
Staff Liaison: Keith Kleine and Leslie Barlow


Scarlette Gotwals
Tania A. Kozikowski-Nicholas
Gabriele A. Landolt
Kathleen R. Mullen
Emily Christine Nietrzeba
Toby Pinn-Woodcock
Eric L. Swinebroad


Rachel Blakey
Nimet Browne
Sarah Eaton
Jared Janke
Martha Mallicote
Allen Page


Andrea Beam
Brandy Burgess
Sally DeNotta
Krista Estell
Hannah Leventhal
Amanda Trimball