Well established, over 30 years, large animal clinic for sale.  Very profitable practice offers both mobile and in house services.  At this time the practice is limited to exclusively large animals, primarily equine with some beef cattle and small ruminants.

The practice is in North Central Washington state, an area of unlimited recreation with four distinct seasons.  There are good schools and a centrally located hospital system.   Our large client base is mostly pleasure riding along with some performance horses.

Real estate consists of 3,000 square foot facility with 3 stalls and a stock in the treatment area.  Large welcoming reception area as well as a doctors office.  There is also a 1,000 square foot rental space included. Watch the video here.

This is an excellent opportunity as the owner seeks to retire.  Please contact Jeff S. Kerr D.V.M. with any questions.  E-mail at jskdvm@nwi.net  or call  509-662-3478 or after hours 509-663-4847.



Date Posted

November 5, 2024

Equipment Type


Contact Details

  • Jeff S. Kerr, DVM
  • 509-663-4847
  • jskdvm@nwi.net